Professional course to become a Pastry Chef
Choose the profession of Pastry Chef and start working straight away!
Pastry Chef course objectives
This course teaches specialised pastry making skills and high-level practical and working abilities for preparing confectionery products such as cakes, biscuits and pastries, starting from selecting the ingredients for the dough and applying the correct working and baking techniques before passing to the creative decoration stage. On completing the course, students will be able to work in environments such as cafés and pastry shops, quality restaurants, and other confectionery businesses.
Key skills
- have creative and manual skills
- have decoration and presentation skills
- know how to use equipment and machinery (ovens, refrigerators etc.)
- know how to use the tools necessary for the trade (kneader, spatulas, whips etc.)
- understand the law regarding a correct conservation and transformation of ingredients and products
- understand laws regarding health, hygiene and work safety
How to become a Pastry Chef in Italy
You don’t need a specific academic qualification to work as a Pastry Chef in Italy. There are however many schools for pastry chefs all over the country who provide specialisation and refresher courses. Pastry chefs, indeed, always need to be on the lookout for new recipes and suggestions for clients.
Become a Pastry Chef with the Scuola di Cucina
The Pastry Chef course at the Scuola di Cucina lasts for 3 months in total. It is divided into 1 month of theoretical lessons and practical classes, and a 2-month practical working experience period at a sector-related business.
- Theoretical lessons: with expert teachers who don’t just teach but also work as professionals in the sector
- Practical lessons: to consolidate knowledge acquired during theoretical lessons. Students are fully supported by teachers and acquire essential practical skills.
- Practical working experience: this important part of the course is held at a business within the sector and allows students to put into practice all they have learnt during lessons, giving them in addition valuable experience to add to their professional CV.
There are no formal academic entry requirements for this course. However, you need to be at least 18 years old and have a B1 Level* of English to access the course.